I am now in a dressing room with Dad and some of his friends. He has just got done performing.We are all the way in Knoxville! Now you know what I mean when I say my Dad's a musician.
Ballet comes from france. This is my 5th year in Ballet. Since I have been doing Ballet for 5 years,I know almost all the Ballet moves! Not to brag or anything.
My Dad has a new album coming out called Act your waist size, and its coming out very soon. I have done a beat on The slugger of Louisville. If you hear that tap tap tap tap tap, that's my beat. I think its fun to be part of an album.
Here is a poem I wrote for my acting class:
I don't know why people say that Cats and Dogs don't get along. I have seen and heard about Cats and Dogs getting along perfectly. Mabye its just an old rumor or something. Anyway I like Cats and Dogs both,and thats just the way it is.
Its my Grandmother's birthday today! She will be turning 50. I hope that she will be enjoying her birthday today!
Almost everyone I know has birthdays in August:1. mine 2.Dad 3.My friend Megan 4.Aunt Monica 5.Michael Jackson 6.Magnificent 7.Uncle Vinny(Who is not really my uncle)8.Ann M. Martin(Who is my favorite Author)9. Shirley Blackburn(Who is my Ballet teacher) See? Almost everyone I know!
Since my Father is west indian,I have grown to like Hot sauce. I even have a song called Hot sauce. You didn't know that I make songs to? Well,I do. I have made 3 songs from when I was younger,about 3 or 4 years old,and one of them is named Hot sauce. You can least expect the things you hear,but what you hear is there.
You know, its funny,but I have loved Michael Jackson's music for the longest time. The songs that I love are: 1.In the closet 2.P.Y.T( Pretty young thing)3.Leave me alone 4.Gone to soon 5.Bille Jean 6.Man in the mirror 7.Bad 8.Blood on the dance floor 9.Thriller 10.You are not alone 11.Stranger in moscow 12.Superfly Sister 13.Why you wanna trip on me 14. Is it scary 15. Liberian Girl 16.Another part of me 17.Smooth crimanal 18.Off the wall 19.Scream 20.You rock my world 21.Black or white
Magnificent loves Elmo from Sesame street. He has three Elmo's World DVD's. Every day he wants to watch them. He is watching one right now.
My family is a kind of family that you would say is all about caring and sharing. My brothers look up to me all the time. Every night one of my little brothers wants me to sleep with him every night. Another one calls me Nina. Everything is Nina to him. But me and Magnificent get along the most (Thats the brother who calls me Nina.) My Mom is loveable. So is my Dad. I love my family.