Intelligent Figures

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hello to all the people out there! My real name is Cana Farrell but I like to spell it with a K. I am 9 years old and the daughter of a musician and a writer and have three brothers. There is going to be another on the way. Can you believe it!? 5 kids!!!!


At 5:19 PM , Blogger Emma said...

you've had your blog this long? I've only had my website since 4th grade which i just got out of in May!(by the way it's July almost August. July 30th to be exact) I think I've probably had it since maybe somewhere between January and April. I probably wrote it down somewhere but you know....well adios!

At 5:42 PM , Blogger Emma said...

And BTW you may have 4 brothers, but i have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. except i'm the youngest, and the one closest to my age is 14 yrs. and i'm 10! and not all of them are from my mother, Dodd's my only full sibling. all the rest are adults and one,Jill, I've never even met! Staci, I met once when I was little and she's 4 yrs. younger then my mother!(considering my dad's 16 yrs older than my mom and Staci's the oldest.)Bryan, 2nd oldest,(who knows how old) well he lives in TX w/ my 21 yr. old brother, Jess E. And I see them every once in a while.(like every few yrs.)and Alexandra,(age 24)I just call her sissy. I see her probably once a month. She lives here in Memphis. And you know about my really annoying, yet lovable computer geek, piano playing brother, Dodd who has a lot in common with you.(not the annoying part) He's home schooled, 9th grade, yeah I think you might actually get along. Just take back what I said at camp, okay? and about the zit thing, he got some sort of zit soap so he's getting a little clearer, so that's one thing you can take back!(but his hair is still greasy!) There! that's 7 sons and daughters of my father! dang,right? I've written you a novel!(sorry!) The End!(it's about time! my hands are getting tired!)


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