Intelligent Figures

Monday, April 26, 2010


My brother Kush got a dog named Msichana for his birthday. It ran up on a family friend's son, and their Mom just happened to be talking to my Mom at the time. So Mom and Kush went to their house, and got the dog!
She is very frisky.
She's about 8 to 12 weeks old, an intelligent dog, and hard-headed.
Oh yeah, and she is a Labrador/ Pit Bull mix.
We love her, but my 3 year old brother is scared of her.
She likes to jump on him a lot and play with him. I think it's because he's her size.

Anyway, if you all have any tips on dogs, leave a comment please!

Peace, love, bye!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Random sayings I just made up

If you don't know me, I don't care.
The only person who can judge me is me. Everyone else just has a say.
It's my life. If you don't like it, then get out of it.
It's not about what you want, it's about what you need.
Don't talk to me if you don't matter.
If you loved me, you would show me, not say it.
Love is an action verb.

Okay, thats about it!
I have poems that I'll post up in a little bit!
See ya l8er.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Okay, I have been busy doing stuff. Just stuff. Nothing special.
Anyhoo, I've missed you guys!
Oh yeah, and I got a new facebook page. It's me and my brothers.
Look up Fantastic Farrell's!
Anyway, when something intresting happens, I'll post again!
Yeah right!
Alright nutter-butters, see ya l8er!

Peace, love, bye!!!!!!!